Blurting In A & L


Author: Art & Language  
Posted: 08.06.2001; 18:40:16
Msg #: 263 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next: 262/264
Reads: 16542

263 PHILOSOPHY According to Husserl, philosophy can redress positivism by focusing its attention on those 'trivial truths' of the Lebenswelt: e.g. 'I have a body', 'I live in a community of people', 'A world exists', etc. These are tacitly presupposed (in science) but left unexplained.

-> Autonomy 58, 69; Lebenswelt 217; Paradigm 259; Positivism 271;

& Formalization 133; Philosophy 264; Problematic 284; Problematic Art & Language 289; Trivialities 368, 369;

< 262 | 263 | 264 >