94 COLLABORATION In many respects scientific information exchange and collaborative encounters provide us with an interesting alternative to the model of the art-world as it exists now. Rather than push the individual out of the picture, it provides a framework for maximum potential, De-personalization ought to be viewed as a reactionary fear about, rather than a product of, communal behavior. -> Art criticism 39; Collaboration 92; Context 96, 102; Conversation 110; Conversation matrix 111, 112, 117; Individuality 178; Language 194; Language environment 201, 202; Learning 210, 215; Paradigm 259; Problematic 282; Work 375, 381; & Ambiguity 8; Autonomy 61; Belief 65; Blurting 77; Context 99; Conversation 108, 109; Ideology 170; Intersubjectivity 188; Philosophy 264; Pragmatics 277, 278; Psychological 302; Semantic field 321; Stylistics 331; Work 394;