82 CATEGORICAL SCHEME For the conservative and the radical the categorical scheme is a priori. The former is intent on preservation; the latter on change. Both are concerned with the purity and simplicity of their respective schemes. On the other hand, the opportunist looks on schemes as ad hoc strategems, useable when the occasion demands. He/she is not concerned with maintaining a special framework since a special framework for strategems is difficult to formalize.

-> Certainty 84; Formalization 134; Heuristic 152, 153, 156; Ideology 174; Opportunism 246, 247, 249; Problematic 284;

& Art, work of 54; Conversational matrix 117; Heuristic 142, 148, 149; Learning 207, 212, 213; Practical 274; Proceeding 293; Reading 306;

< 81 | 82 | 83 >