395 WORK We might be involved in a kind of stock-taking, as opposed to simply making use of items in the stock. Thus, in our conversations we first catch that a speaker says so and so. This may be one way of avoiding a split between e.g., 'reading' and 'work'. This split is stylistic and harmful. You find yourself in a much more advantageous position seeing 'talk', 'reading', 'work', as constituents on the same map. -> Blurting 78; Cognitivity 91; Context 107; Conversation 110; Conversational matrix 114, 116; Formalization 133; Learning 205; Lebenswelt 218; Logical 221; Pragmatics 278; Problematic 284; Problematic A & L 289; Proceeding 293; Reading 305, 306; Trivialities 369; Work 376, 394; & Art criticism 39; Autonomy 58, 60; Blurting 80; Context 106; Conversational matrix 117; Education 121; Opportunist A & L 251; Practical 274; Pragmatics 277; Stylistics 330; Trivialities 368; Work 379, 400;