201 LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT Through the use of tools such as indexes aren't we presupposing a language environment that is homogeneous and discoverable (some might insist on 'inventable')? How does this idealization of our milieu affect our thinking in the area of other kinds of organization? Does this properly entail organizational structures above and beyond linguistic ones? For instance, does the existence of such a language environment assume a community structure as well? -> Annotating 17; Autonomy 56; Collaboration 94; Conversation 110; Ideology 168; Individuality 178; Language 194, 196; Lexicographer 219; Paradigm 259; Problematic Art & Language 289; Work 401; & A priori 26; Ambiguity 6; Art-community 38; Beliefs 66; Collaboration 93; Conversation 108; Language environment 202; Opportunism 249; Practical 274; Semantics 320; Work 385;