198 LANGUAGE In a discussion of Wittgenstein's use of 'language games', Rush Rhees points out that to try and account for the meaningfulness of a language solely in terms of isolated language games is to omit the important fact that ways of speaking are not insulated from one another in mutually exclusive systems of rules. What can be said in one context by the use of a certain expression depends for its sense on the uses of that expression in other contexts (i.e. different language games).

-> Ambiguity 10; Context 99, 103; Language 194; Thesaurus 353; Translation 356, 361, 362, 363, 365;

& Alternatives 2; Belief 65, 71; Conversational matrix 114, 117; Information retrieval systems 180; Language environment 201; Language games 204;

< 197 | 198 | 199 >