11 AMBIGUITY It is important to distinguish between formal and non formal types of ambiguity. Syntactic and semantic ambiguity are both formal in that the specific ambiguity of a given sentence is here determined solely by the sentence itself. Sentences may also possess ambiguity of a pragmatic kind. Such sentences are called context-dependent. This is a pragmatic form of ambiguity in that it stems from a multiplicity of admissable modes of passage from the sentence to its meaning. The choice of any one such mode depends upon the context. Context-dependence is not a formal type of ambiguity.

-> Ambiguity 3, 9, 10; Context 95, 102, 107; Heuristic 137; Information retrieval system 180, 181; Learning 205; Meaning 237; Pragmatics 276, 278; Work, introduction of 406;

& Ambiguity 4, 5, 7, 13; Autonomy 57; Certainty 87; Context 100, 103; Education 121; Heuristic 153; Learning 213; Opportunism 246; Proceeding 294; Semantics 318, 320; Thesaurus 353; Trivialities 368;

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